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Lab Companion Was Invited to Attend 2020 International Symposium on Low-Dimensional Material and Devices

Lab Companion Was Invited to Attend 2020 International Symposium on Low-Dimensional Material and Devices

July 21, 2020

Lab Companion Was Invited to Attend 2020 International Symposium on Low-Dimensional Material and Devices

Symposium schedule

Friday, July 31

11:00-22:00 Registration Place: Dragon Lake Princess Hotel, Guangzhou(Lobby 1 / F, Main Building)

18:00-20:00 Dinner

Saturday, August 1st

Location: Conference room, main building

Opening ceremony

8:30-8:35 Speech by Liu Fei

8:35-8:40 Speech by Gao Hongjun/Du Shixuan

Host: Liu Fei

8:40-9:30 Du Shixuan, Tuning Physical and Chemical Properties of Molecules on Substrate at Atomic Level

9:30-10:10 Lu Junling, metal catalyst precise design

10:10-10:25 Wang Zheng, Wuhan Anyang Laser Technology Co., Ltd. escort for the development of optoelectronics in China

10:25-10:40 Tea break

Host: Qin Zhihui

10:40-11:20 Jiwe, Growth and repair of large-area multilayer single crystal graphene 

11:20-11:50 Guo Wei, Study on structure-activity relationship of high energy density materials

11:50-12:20 Zhang Yuyang, Visualizing and Understanding the Anisotropic Oxygen Diffusion in Ceria

12:20-12:35 Wang Fengmei, Edwards will, as always, spare no effort in the development of scientific research in China

12:35-14:30 Lunch, break

Host: Lin Xiao

14:30-15:00 Qin Zhihui, Highly-crystalline and Semiconducting Quasi-freestanding CVD-Grown Monolayer MoSe2

15:00-15:30 Bao Lihong, Electronic devices and transport properties of two-dimensional atomic crystal materials

15:30-15:45 Lab Companion, Zhang Jun, limit temperature test - semiconductor devices

15:45-16:00 Tea break

Host: Lu Junling

16:00-16:30 In situ identification of dynamic structural evolution of poplar ice nanocatalysts

16:30-17:00 New progress and application of universal mechanical cleavage technology

18:00-21:00 Dinner Party

Sunday, August 2nd

Host: Du Shixuan

8:30-9:30 Gao Hongjun, Regulation of quantum structure and its application in principle

9:30-10:00 Jiang Yuhang, Evidence of Flat Bands and Correlated States in Buckled Graphene Superlattices

10:00-10:20 Group photo, tea break

Host: Yang Haitao

10:20-10:50 Wang Shiyong, accurately regulates the magnetism of Pi electrons

10:50-11:20 Li Geng, Observation of Majorana bound states and edge states with unconventional midgap states in CaKFe4As4

11:20-11:50 Cai Jinming, Magnetic design and regulation of carbon nanographene

11:50-12:20 Zhou Wu, Study of electron energy loss spectrum with ultra-high energy resolution

12:20-12:35 Liu Jie, SPECS-TII Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. wholeheartedly serves the development of China's surface technology

12:35-14:30 Lunch, break

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