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Lab Companion--The 22rd China International Optoelectronic Exposition of 2020 Has Come to a Successful Conclusion

Lab Companion--The 22rd China International Optoelectronic Exposition of 2020 Has Come to a Successful Conclusion

September 22, 2020

Lab Companion--The 22rd China International Optoelectronic Exposition of 2020 Has Come to a Successful Conclusion

On September 9, the 22nd China International Optoelectronic Exposition (China International Optoelectronic Exposition/CLOE for short) kicked off in Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (Bao'an), this exhibition is the first debut of China Optoelectronic Expo after moving to the new hall, during September 9-11, the exhibition brings together giants of optoelectronic industry. Lab Companion participated in the exhibition with high and low temperature test chambers, temperature and humidity test chambers, industrial ovens, and dragon temperature forcing system--Froilabo.

high and low temperature test chambers, temperature and humidity test chambers, industrial ovens, and dragon temperature forcing system--Froilabo

The key products on display are suitable for the key processes of environmental testing, assessment and research and development in the photovoltaic industrial chain; At present, the products have been mature in the domestic well-known photoelectric enterprises, and become the mainstream products to replace foreign imports.


In CLOE of this year, our interaction with many parties enhances the mutual understanding of the industry, as the exhibitor,  Lab Companionin gained a lot.

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