
Hot air drying oven

Hot air drying oven

  • Precision Oven Manual Precision Oven Manual
    Oct 15, 2024
    Precision Oven Manual Precision ovens are suitable for semiconductor devices in the electronic industry, curing and aging of electronic components, high-temperature precision testing of plastic and rubber, molding processes for telephone handle wires, as well as experimental or workshop production lines in higher education research institutions and industrial and mining enterprises that require high product temperatures. This instrument is equipped with a two-level temperature control system, dual protection, automatic cut-off for overheating, safe and reliable. The column alarm device has a temperature rise and constant temperature light display. When using this instrument in large quantities in the production workshop, which instrument has reached the constant temperature requirement and which one is still in the heating state can be clearly seen. The instrument liner is made of high-quality mirror stainless steel, the outer shell is sprayed with plastic, and a safety door lock is installed. The front door adopts a high-temperature resistant glass observation window, which can observe the condition of the test piece inside the box at any time. Dear customer: Our company has products such as rapid temperature change test chambers, UV accelerated weather resistance testing machines, and temperature and humidity control chambers. You can call our service hotline through our website to learn more about our products. Our pursuit is endless, and we welcome new and old customers to choose their favorite products with confidence. We will be dedicated to serving you!
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